Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Public Apology

Mama Odette and Mama Furaha are patient, kind, loving, talented women. They are the two women who prepare meals, clean the house, and wash laundry for those of us who live in the international staff house here in Beni. They build the charcoal fire each day, sift the rice, sort beans, clean hulls off the peanuts. Mama Furaha cuts, chops, and cooks delicious meals of greens, rice, beans, samosas, stews, chicken, and meat. Mama Odette sits on a low stool and hand washes our clothes in a bucket. With a charcoal-heated iron, she presses shirts and blouses, dresses and skirts. Both Mama Odette and Mama Furaha welcome guests with generous hospitality. They coach me as I struggle with Swahili. They are patient when I butcher the language and struggle to form the simplest sentences. 

Yesterday in conversation I said, “Our mamas.” The words fell out of my mouth before I realized their message. It was too late.  How could I have stooped to that? “Our mamas,” as if they somehow “belonged” to those of us who live at the house? They are sisters in Christ. They are teachers here in this place. They are God's blessing.

I am sorry, Mama Furaha. I am sorry, Mama Odette. Forgive me.

Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


  1. They are also the mothers of our faith, serving, teaching, loving, do whatever their hands find to do as unto the Lord and not unto men. Thanks be to God for them - and you!

  2. Thank you. They ARE mothers of our faith. Thank you.
