Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trip to Epulu: Part 1

There is rumbling in the sky. Thunder rolling somewhere off in the distance. The daily afternoon storm gathering itself together. I take comfort in these rains. But I am one of the fortunate ones with a roof over my head and dry rooms in which to hide.

Just back from a weekend in Epulu to enjoy some quiet, nature, and the okapi.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Prayer and praise

There are so many gifts and blessings here at UCBC, here in Congo. At this moment I'm surrounded by two of the most precious: prayer and praise. ...


Earlier this week self-doubt and recrimination decided to take up residence in my head. “Who do I think I am? What do I really have to offer? Am I really helping the faculty? Am I helping David, Honoré or anyone else here?” I felt disheartened for no other reason than weariness and the constant rush of competing needs. ...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Images from the week

Beans and rice: my favorite lunch
How is it that another week has passed? The days press into each other. Each one intense, filled with noise, quiet, conversations, prayer, singing, work, beans and rice, motos, hard-packed dirt roads and slippery red mud. A few images: ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mama kuku na ndogo

Defender of the young
To the consternation of my son, I enjoy chickens. I’m no expert on fowl of any kind, chickens included. Have only read stories and other people’s musings about chickens. Have never taken an extension class or done a 4-H project. I just enjoy watching them. ...

Thy will be done

A damp-sky day
Saturday was the second day of faculty development with the full UCBC faculty. The session was scheduled for 8-11am. But it had rained the night before, and the morning sky was grey and heavy with moisture....

Thursday, November 11, 2010


It’s 8:15pm. The night sky dazzles with stars. A planet (I believe) hangs like a spotlight high in the east sky. It's been there every night for at least the past week (my observations skills suffer from inconsistent application!).

Friday, November 5, 2010

This wonderful, crazy, blessed place of Congo

Forget all the bad news about DR Congo for a few minutes. This is a place of amazing beauty and greatness. Yes, I've only seen a tiny corner; but this corner is just one of countless others  across this vast landscape of almost 1 million sq. miles (905,567 sq. mi.)

So, a few snapshots:
 Last evening we had a magnificent thunderstorm. ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

First day of classes

Mwulimu John anakunywa kawa
Today was a full day, beginning with Swahili lessons at 7am. Mwulimu John (Teacher John) began lessons for four of us on the outside porch next to our kitchen. Now that he no longer teaches in school, Mwulimu John spends his days working in his fields. I'm told that he prefers to have early morning classes so he can get to his crops. Tomorrow we start at 6:30am.

Mwulimu John is a vivacious and very encouraging teacher, for which I’m grateful. Learning a new language is a humbling experience. I understand the grammar and the rules of verb conjugation, but every spoken conjugation or simple sentence feels like a load of stone. I have to think hard and visualize the words before I can push them out of my mouth. Hmmmm… is the first day. 

PS...Translation of the caption: Teacher John drinks coffee. (And yes, I had to look at my notes to write it.)