More exciting, however, was an email from Jonathan Shaw, a PhD candidate in history at University of Michigan, and soon-to-be teacher at UCBC! The subject line read, "A surprise encounter." Here's the message:
I am at...the "Missing Peace Symposium" at the United States Institute for Peace this week in Washington, DC. It's a forum to discuss ways to address the problem of sexual violence across the globe. Speakers have included world-renowned academics, the UN's chief administrator for women's rights, a Nobel Peace laureate, US congressmen, and..... a UCBC alumni!
I discovered this earlier today when I found myself sitting next to a very elegant looking lady who also looked quite familiar. Turns out was Francine Nabintu, a communications student in UCBC's first graduating class. She's here representing HEAL Africa and she will be talking tomorrow on a panel. I left her tonight engaged in a deep conversation with the Tanzanian ambassador to the United States and a department head from UC Berkeley.
Praise God! He is already using UCBC's grads to influence people across the world! Francine told me she learned so much at UCBC and loved her time there. God is blessing, in so many ways and in so many lives...
It's a small world, and UCBC students are working to transform it--even in Washington DC.Yes, it is a small world. But God is a big God who transforms lives and communities. And I believe, as I suspect Francine and Jonathan do, that we can end the violence against women and bring peace where the horrors of war have prevailed for far too long.