Friday, December 10, 2010

Wrapping up Faculty Development

English team at work and lunch
During these last weeks I've been blessed with good health and rest, but even more so by the love, compassion, wisdom, and good humor of our Congolese sisters and brothers. Wednesday (12.8.10) was a day of wrapping up and preparing to move on. ...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Trip to Epulu: Part 2 (11.26.10)

Epulu is about 400 km northwest of Beni. The first 60km is paved road. The rest is a corrugated and scarred road of hard-packed dirt.

We flew out of Beni, screaming past people on foot, motos, and bicycles. ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sometimes you just need a laugh; OR, Rock-Paper-Scissors goes Congolese

My years in experiential/adventure education were filled with hard work and lots of laughter. However, those experiences pale in comparison to what happens when my Congolese sisters and brothers play speed rabbit, bumpity-bump-bump-bump, or warp speed. ...