Saturday, October 30, 2010

Released and Renewed

Paul Robinson left this morning to make his way overland to Kenya via stops in Kagando and Kampala. Before he left, David Kasali prayed for Paul's safety. He began, "We release Paul into your care..." A year ago Paul prayed and released me from a responsibility that burdened me. Last evening...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NOT a grasshopper

Today I'm reminding myself of Doug's teaching from Joshua: that we're not grasshoppers. As I look ahead at the work for these next several weeks, it's easy to be overwhelmed. ...

Monday, October 25, 2010

First week

It feels like seven months have been packed into the past seven days. Just a week ago five of us arrived in Beni, having flown together over the lush landscape of this corner of east Africa. Cullen, Howard, and Doug return to Entebbe today, then head back to the U.S. tomorrow.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning were the board meeting. Thursday and Friday were the Consultation. Saturday was the official opening of the academic year. Yesterday, Sunday, was church (three services). And the spaces in between have been filled with conversation, planning, sharing, dreaming, learning, laughter, and tears. So, where to begin? Perhaps ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


UCBC campus
Six of us arrived safely in Beni on Monday, October 18, 2010: Cullen Rodgers-Gates (Director of North American Operatons for CI, Howard Brown (CI-USA board member), Douglas Slaughter (friend of Howard’s, Paul Robinson (President of the CI-USA board), and David Santoso (HNGR intern who has a 6-month placement at UCBC). Cullen, Howard, Douglas, and  joined up at Schipol, Amsterdam Saturday night/Sunday morning; Paul and David met the 4 of us in Entebbe Sunday night. ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Packed and shrink-wrapped

Bags: 2010
Has it really been a year since I first went to DR Congo? There is truth to the worn adage, "Time flies." Yes, the bags are packed, shrink-wrapped,
and in the care of Delta Airlines. Plans and agendas not so much.

Africa confirms what Al-Anon has taught me: I waste my energies and daily joys by being anxious about plans and expectations. My African friends and mentors remind me that my responsibility is to...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Choosing joy and gratitude when the heart breaks

Two weeks ago we moved Dad from independent living into assisted living. It was another downsizing and another reminder that life is closing in and closing down. Dad concurred that making the change was the right thing to do. He looked at the new space before the decision was confirmed.  My sister and I were concerned that Dad fully recognize that his living space would shrink from a one-bedroom apartment to one bedroom. "Well, I don't really need all that space," and, "This is the right thing to do," were Dad's responses.
So on a Saturday, my sister, brother-in-law, and daughter moved the few items that would fit in one room from Dad's apartment. We arranged the furniture...